Friday, July 31, 2009

ya a awww

gazillion things to say but too lazy to blog and sleepy. its the weekend tmrw and ill be back. promise:)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


thts a very oldoldold pic of me. and i was stress and STILL AM.
i have something due EVERY SINGLE day except THURSDAY.

i havent even start my house plan and here i am blabbing how STRESS I AM. 

im gonna chill now and go have a hot choc for myself. 



Friday, July 24, 2009

how can i not miss this face? :(



dad: ela, bapa nda dapat log in. knp tu? ela tukar password kah?
ela: -_-

anw, i sent my bro to school today and is sent my mum to the airport. quite teary n sad moment since we had this talk tht i prefer to keep it private:) im gonna miss her SO SO MUCH, especially cs she's not gonna b here on my bday. thankx for taking care of us mama:) u the bomb!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


the whole night my bberry messenger have been disturbing me.

at 10.53pm

dad: ela, boleh email semua gambar keluarga pg email bapa? di *****
me: oh. ok. pandai sudah buat album di fb?
dad: pandai
dad: lama juga?
me:byk gambar pak
dad:bapa mau tidur sudah
me: tidur la dulu. bsok baru upload
dad: nda blh. mesti hari ini
me: bah iya la.
dad: eh, nda apala. ela tlg upload la . pswd bapa ****** nanti kestau bapa kalau sudah siap ok? baru bapa tidur. oh ya. title dia mesti "family". simpan gambar semua. nenek pun.
me: ok pak. tidur lah.

at 11.18pm

dad: ela, ada org send bapa request relative. apa bapa tekan?
me: allow
dad: terus apa jadi?
me: ada lah yg related sama bapa tu mau simpan di fb dia relative bapa
dad: oh ok.

at 11.22pm

dad: jadi ini relative ne siapa2 la boleh jadi relative bapa?
me: kalau bapa accept la. kalau nda, nda la.
dad: dorang boleh pura2 la?
me: iya
dad: jadi kenapa ela sama abang belum add bapa?
me: satu dunia sudah tau kami anak bapa pak. 
dad: iya la. tapi kasi nampak cool sikit la page bapa.

2seconds ago

dad: sudah upload tu gambar?
me: sudah pak. baru ja siap.
dad: ok bagus la. skrg bapa ada 1 application, dan 2album sudah. nampak ok sudah bapa punya profile.
me: ok pak. goodnight.
dad: tapi bapa mau tulis married to raya erom. macam mana?
me: mama mesti ada fb kalau gitu.
dad: ok. nanti bapa buatkan. ndakan ela ja ada in relationship.

bigbigbig MAJOR


and it has only been 1day he have fb.


just found our spore family short trip album. 
and this pic is priceless.


oh man i am extremely stresssssss. there are gazillion work to do and millions of floor plans to do. seriously this is mad dogg. i cant finish this. oh god, help me pls get through this.

and i am super pissed that i have to do communication this sem becos IVE DONE IT BEFORE. and its the same damn thing over n over again. even REFRENCING. seriously. why on universe do i need to keep on doing it?!

anw, hello ppl. my dad officially have a facebook. awesome poweesomee. he feels very young now. its quite cool la now we can write wall to wall to each other. i mean, i know there are alot of other ppl's dad or mum have fb. but my dad hav fb? HE DOESNT EVEN HAVE TIME TO EAT sometimes and he can be bothered to have fb and i ask him why? he said cos my children seems to be so into it, it may be one of my way to communicate wid them. awww. how sweet bt yet i feel like im hiding alottt.

its friday tmrw, and i have to send my momma to the airport and my younger bro to school. 7.30am. how am i gonna wake up. honestly i can wake up at 8am for fun but not to DRIVE. ill manage sumhow. 

i wanna go ikea this weekend to buy a new bed, like a lower one and table light. i need one to trace things. 

my bday party was suppose to be next week but had to cancel cos the place i wanted to make it is fully booked. so i guess i have to do it sumwhere else. i bought my dress, shoes, n clutch alrd actually and all matching:) but now i dunno where else to wear to.

ok, lets not get any depressed. im eating my kuih cincin all the way from kk and i am missing there so bad., im planning to go back n surprise my mum. like take air asia or sumth but ngeh~ im sure ill get a good scolding after that.

im gonna continue my work now. gdnight titties.

randoms pics of assignment n my room n my try-to--be-pro tableee" :)